It's never too early to get a jump start on their education! 🖍🎓 USD 308, Reno County Head Start, and Early Education Center of Reno County are now taking preschool applications for the 2023-2034 school year! Call now to schedule an appointment 👉🏽 620-615-5750. #SalthawkStrong
about 2 years ago, 308 Communications
Reno County Early Childhood Programs call 620-615-5750 for more information
Programas de Primera Infancia del Condado de Reno llame al 620-615-5750 para obtener más información
Happy Valentine's Day from USD 308! 💖🍫🌹 Tag your Valentine in the comments! #SalthawkStrong
about 2 years ago, 308 Communications
Valentines Day
The Newsletter for the week of February 13 is attached. Have a great weekend.
about 2 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
The Hutchinson High School Winter Homecoming candidates stopped by Graber Elementary this afternoon to read to classes! 💙📚👑 #SalthawkStrong
about 2 years ago, 308 Communications
HOCO @ Graber
HOCO @ Graber
HOCO @ Graber
HOCO @ Graber
HOCO @ Graber
HOCO @ Graber
HOCO @ Graber
Have plans for that special someone on Valentine's Day? 🤔 Send them a Singing Valentine from the HHS Expressives and Harmonics! 💙🎶 For $20, a choir will travel to your sweetie for a beautiful serenade! Contact to schedule now! #SalthawkStrong
about 2 years ago, 308 Communications
Singing Valentines
This week we celebrate and show our appreciation for our amazing USD 308 school conselors! 💙 Join us in thanking your school counselor today for all they do for our students, staff and families. #SalthawkStrong
about 2 years ago, 308 Communications
school counselor week
The Newsletter for the week of February 6 is attached. Have a great weekend.
about 2 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
As a reminder, there is No School tomorrow (Friday, February 3). Enjoy your three day weekend and the Sunshine.
about 2 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
The Newsletter for the week of January 30 is attached. Have a great weekend.
about 2 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
A little reminder on this beautiful Friday. 💙 #SalthawkStrong #YouMatter #BeKind
about 2 years ago, 308 Communications
you matter
Hey there, Salthawks! Check out this week's episode of Salthawk Talk here 👉🏽 #SalthawkStrong
about 2 years ago, 308 Communications
Salthawk Talk
HMS 7 & 8 Parents/Guardians are invited to HMS 8 (200 W. 14th) tonight at 6 pm for our HMS PTO Meeting. We look forward to seeing everyone.
about 2 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
The USD 308 Board of Education will hold their regularly scheduled meeting at 6:00 p.m. Monday, January 23, 2023, at the USD 308 Admin Center located at 1520 N Plum Street. The agenda is available at #SalthawkStrong
about 2 years ago, 308 Communications
BOE meeting 1/23
The Newsletter for the week of January 23 is attached. Have a great weekend.
about 2 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
Accounting students at HHS are studying manufacturing accounting. Yesterday the students met with local manufacturer, Collin's Bus, to learn from a Lead Accountant and Operations Manager, as well as tour the facility to see area manufacturing in action. #SalthawkStrong
about 2 years ago, 308 Communications
accounting class
Happy Friday, Salthawks! 🙌🏽 Check out this week's episode of Salthawk Talk! #SalthawkStrong
about 2 years ago, 308 Communications
Salthawk Talk
The Newsletter for the week of January 16 is attached. Have a great weekend and we'll see everyone on Tuesday.
about 2 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
The Newsletter for the week of January 9 is attached. Please note that Parent Teacher Conferences are next Thursday, January 12 at HMS 8 in the Commons from 8 am to 8 pm. Have a great weekend.
about 2 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
The newsletter for the week of January 2 is attached. We look forward to welcoming our Students back on Wednesday. Enjoy the rest of your break.
about 2 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
The newsletter for the week of December 12 is attached. We have one more full week before winter break. The next newsletter will be sent out on Friday, December 30. Have a great weekend and we'll see everyone on Monday.
over 2 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8