The Newsletter for the week of May 8 is attached. Have a great weekend.

As a reminder, Hutchinson Public Schools is seeking feedback from the community as they develop their new strategic plan. All responses are confidential, and no individual answers will be shared with USD 308. https://bit.ly/USD308plansurvey #SalthawkStrong

The Newsletter for the week of May 1 is attached. Have a great weekend.

The Newsletter for the week of April 24 is attached. Have a great week.

The Newsletter for the week of April 17 is attached. Please note that Thursday, April 20 is Early Release. Students will attend Seminar through 4th hr only and will be released at Noon. Have a great weekend.

The weekly newsletter for the week of April 10 is attached. Have a great weekend.

Just a reminder that there is no School tomorrow (Friday, April 7). Enjoy your 3 day weekend and we'll see you all on Monday.

Support the HHS Theatre Troupe by having them egg your lawn! 🥚🐣🍬 Scan the QR code for more information! #SalthawkStrong

The Newsletter for the week of April 3 is attached. Please note there is no school this Friday, April 7. Have a great week.

The newsletter for the week of March 27 is attached. Have a great weekend.

On Friday, March 24th, our students will participate in this year’s Bite of Reality.
“Bite of Reality is a hands-on app-based simulation that appeals to teens while giving them a taste of real-world financial realities. Teens are given a fictional occupation, salary, credit score, spouse and a child, student loan debt, credit card debt, and medical insurance payments. The teens then walk around to various table-top stations to “purchase” housing, transportation, food, clothing, and other needs.”
Unfortunately, the Bite of Reality activity requires an app that is not combatable with student Chromebooks. We ask parents to please make sure students download the Bite of Reality app onto their cell phone. If a student doesn’t have a phone, we will have a limited number of iPads available for checkout. The picture below shows the app that needs to be downloaded to participate. Apple users can click on this link https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bite-of-reality-2/id1262685623 or go to the Apple Store, Android users can find the app in their Google Play store.
Bite of Reality 2
Credit unions offer reality fairs to teenagers across the country, helping them to understand the need to understand money and budgeting. A reality fair is a fun, hands-on simulation that appeal to teens while giving them a taste of real-world financial realities - giving them a better understandin…

Support Salthawk Athletics this weekend at the We Are Salthawks Ultimate Benefit & Auction! 🏈🏀⚽️✨ Saturday, March 25 at 5:30 p.m. on the Kansas State Fairgrounds Cottonwood Court. Purchase your tickets here: Salthawk.givesmart.com #SalhawkStrong

The Newsletter for the week of March 20 is attached. We kick off our spring sports practices today. Please note that this is the LAST week to purchase the HMS Yearbook. NO late orders will accepted. The last day to order is Friday, March 24.

The Newsletter for the week of March 20 is attached. We hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing Spring Break. We look forward to welcoming our kids back on Monday and kicking off our spring sports practices. Please note that Friday, March 24 is the last day to order the HMS Yearbook. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Just a reminder that HMS 8 is not in session tomorrow (Thursday, March 9) due to the WSL Instrumental Music Festival, which is being held at HMS 7. School WILL be back in session on Friday, March 10. If your student will not be in school on Friday, please call the HMS 8 Office. School will not be in session Monday March 13 through Friday, March 17 due to Spring Break. Thanks.

The HHS Salthawk Dance Team is looking for more dancers. If your student is interested in joining the dance team, please stop by the HMS 8 Office to pick up a Dance packet.

The Newsletter for the week of March 6 is attached. Please note there is no school on Thursday, March 9 due to our Instrumental Music Festival. School will be back in session on Friday, March 10. Have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine.

Public Schools Week is Feb. 27 - Mar. 3! Join us in celebrating public schools and the dedicated educators and professionals who support students in so many ways. #SalthawkStrong

The Newsletter for the week of February 27 is attached. We look forward to kicking off Tri 3 on Monday. Have a great weekend.

The Newsletter for the week of February 20 is attached. Please note the end of Tri 2 is Thursday, February 23. There is no School on Friday, February 24. Have a great weekend.