USD 308 Board of Education August 26th, 2024 Hutchinson Public Schools logo perserverance, compassion, integrity, innovation

HUTCHINSON, KS- USD 308 Board of Education began its regularly scheduled meeting with a presentation from Kyle Sawyer, HHS Assistant Principal, regarding the new Pass program. The electronic pass system was implemented at the Middle Schools and Midtown last year with HHS starting this year. The overview included how it works, features of the software, and a question-and-answer session. Mr. Sawyer stated that in its first few days of use staff and student responses are mostly positive and hallway traffic is visibly reduced. Board President Corey asked for a follow-up report at the end of the school year.

During the Superintendent’s update, the board was informed of an upcoming retirement reception and its responsibility to nominate a delegate for the October Kansas Association of School Boards (KASB) Conference. Cheryl Thompson's nomination was made and accepted.

Deputy Superintendent Krystal Young addressed the Board. She introduced the Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment team and identified the group’s focus for the current school year and beyond. The CIA team is working to ensure that each building’s goals align with the District and KESA accreditation goals.

Three Graber parents addressed the Board during public comments regarding a recent accident. The accident occurred last Tuesday when a student was struck by a vehicle while crossing 17th Street at Cleveland. The parents advocated for community vigilance and increased traffic safety measures from the District and the City of Hutchinson. In later remarks, Dr. Johnson spoke of an upcoming meeting between USD 308 and the City of Hutchinson.

 Director of Finance Justin Villmer presented the Local Option Budget (LOB) topic to the Board. During his presentation, he covered the calculation, function, and uses of the LOB funds. USD 308 has been levied at or below the statewide average for the past four years. The revenue-neutral hearing was set for September 9th at 5:45 p.m., with the budget hearing at 5:50 p.m. at the USD 308 Administration Center, 1520 N. Plum. The hearing date change came after the District was made aware that the Hutchinson News failed to print the required notice of the August 26th hearing. 

The Board approved a one-hour early release on October 4th. New this year, the parade will lineup at Graber Elementary, with the route heading southbound on Plum from 15th to 11th Street and then East on 11th to the Sports Arena. The early release allows time for Hutch High traffic to clear the area and for parents to pick up students and travel to the parade location. The parade map, including parking spots, will be released soon. The homecoming game will be October 4th against Derby at 7:00 p.m.

The Superintendent’s consent agenda was passed unanimously. The full agenda can be found at The next regularly held Board of Education meeting will be September 9th at 6:00pm at the USD 308 Administration Center, 1520 N. Plum.


Press Contact:
Stacy Goss
USD 308
Director of Communications