Tuesday is a Group B Day. In-person classes for students whose last names begin with M to Z. #308pride

Monday is a Group A Day. In-person classes for students whose last names begin with A to L. #308pride

USD 308 Meal Menus for
Breakfast: Breakfast Pizza, Apple Slices, Milk
Lunch: Cheeseburger, French Fries, Tropical Fruit, Milk

The Weekly Bulletin for the week of December 14th can be found at the following link https://5il.co/nu7t
We encourage all of our Students to participate in our Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest https://5il.co/nu7s
We continue in the Modified Hybrid Learning Model for our last week of school before the Winter Holiday break. Have a great weekend and we will see Group A on Monday.

The gating criteria for USD 308 has been updated. For full details, go to https://www.apptegy.net/s/news-usd-308/articles/update-on-gating-criteria-for-12-14-2020

There will be no school on Friday for students. Staff will have a professional development day.

There is No School Tomorrow (Friday, December 11). We will see Group A on Monday, December 14th. Enjoy your 3 day weekend.

Winter concerts will fill the air -- and airwaves -- with student music the week of Dec. 14. https://www.usd308.com/article/364435 #308pride

We will be allowing a limited number of family members to attend HHS games through Jan. 28. HMS, meanwhile, will not have fans at games until COVID-19 rates drop https://www.usd308.com/article/364394 #308pride

Thursday basketball game will be streamed through Facebook @SalinaSouthMS. The B game will began at 5:00, the A game will start at approximately 6:15.

HMS girls' basketball hosts Goddard Eisenhower on both campuses. Games tip at 5 p.m. #308pride

The Weekly Bulletin for the week of December 7th can be found at the following link https://5il.co/nllr
There is no School for Students on Friday, December 11th.
USD 308 has a new mobile app. Check it out https://youtu.be/D3sNF2bMwes
Thanks and Have a great weekend!

Gating criteria for Hutchinson USD 308 remains in the Red Zone for next week. Because of professional development, students will not be in class on Dec. 11 https://www.usd308.com/article/360492

HMS-8 girls basketball will be hosting Eisenhower Middle School on Monday, December 7th. Games will be live streamed at https://fb.me/e/2mLEDvl15.

Friday Remote Learning is up and running today. Students: remember to log-in each hour and please don't be late. Have a great Friday!

Friday is a Remote Learning Day for ALL students. Students will need to follow the Bell Schedule and Log in EACH HOUR with their teachers on each hour's Google Meet. Attendance is required and students must be on time. If you have any questions, please contact the office.

HMS-7 and 8 girls' basketball hosts McPherson at 5 tonight at their respective schools. #308pride

HMS wrestling will compete in a dual at 5 today at Prairie Hills Middle School. #308pride

Wednesday is a Group A day for in-person learning.

HMS-7 and 8 girls' basketball play at Newton Chisholm at 5 tonight. HMS wrestling is in a dual at Salina South, also at 5 p.m. #308pride