The deadline to purchase the 20/21 HMS Yearbook is quickly approaching. Order Deadline is March 1st. No orders will be accepted after March 1st.
about 4 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
Please save the date! It’s hard to believe we only have a few more months with our 8th graders.
about 4 years ago, Camille Eckhoff
Open House
Noon Monday Update The Hutchinson Middle School boys' basketball games at Goddard Eisenhower are off for today. The games have been canceled. Tuesday's HHS basketball home games against Maize have been postponed until Feb. 25. The pre-K walk-in enrollment clinic at Avenue A for Tuesday will not go on, but you still can fill out pre-enrollment information online by clicking on, come in person to one of our walk-in application clinics or call 620-615-4950 to schedule an appointment. Additionally, Lincoln Elementary School's picture day for Tuesday has been postponed.
about 4 years ago, Ray Hemman
Congratulations to these students for being chosen for Student of the Week by their teachers. We’re very proud of Daisy Fanning, Richard Richardson, Haleigh Haney. Good Job!
about 4 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
As we announced late last week, just a reminder that on Monday Hutchinson USD 308 will be in the remote learning model because of the extreme cold temperatures. Please be safe in this weather. #308pride
about 4 years ago, Ray Hemman
The Weekly Bulletin for the week of February 15th can be found at the following link We look forward to seeing everyone next week as we return to In-Person learning. The Deadline to order the Yearbook will be March 1st. Please note that the Basketball game on Monday, March 15 has been postponed and has not been rescheduled at this time. Also, a reminder, Monday February 15th will be a Remote Learning Day. Students will be expected to check in to every one of their classes. District Office will send out a notification if there is a cancellation due to weather. Thanks and Have a great weekend!
about 4 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
Today is a Remote Learning Day for all of our students. Students will need to log in all day for all of their classes. In-Person Tutoring is still available today for those students who were assigned by teachers. However, due to the extreme cold temperatures, if your student can't make it, they will be excused. Stay Safe and Warm. Any questions please call the HMS 8 Office.
about 4 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
With the change to the USD 308 learning model, we will now be allowed to have two spectators per participant at our middle school activities. We will continue the pass list system we've utilized when hosting at the high school facilities. When attending these activities, please make sure to wear a mask and practice social distancing. We look forward to having our parents back in the stands cheering on their favorite athletes starting Tuesday, February 16th.
about 4 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
Because Newton has canceled school today, the Hutchinson Middle School boys' basketball games against Newton-Chisholm have been postponed. No make-up date set. #308pride
about 4 years ago, Ray Hemman
The Weekly Bulletin for the week of February 8th can be found at the following link Have a great weekend and we will see Group A on Monday. Go Chiefs!
about 4 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
There is No School tomorrow, Friday February 5th. We will see Group A on Monday, February 8th. Enjoy your 3 day weekend!
about 4 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
We are celebrating the Chiefs this week at HMS 8.
about 4 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
Chiefs Spirit week
Congratulations to Jamison Lawson, Nevaeh Carey, and James Gable on being selected as Student of the Week. We are proud of these outstanding Salthawks!
about 4 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
The Bulletin for the week of February 1st can be found at the following link We continue in the Modified Hybrid Learning Model next week. Have a great weekend and we'll see Group A (A-L) on Monday!
about 4 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
The Bulletin for the Week of January 25th can be found here Information for Buhler's Drivers Ed program can be found here Friday Tutoring: Students who are failing multiple classes and are in need of a higher-level of assistance will be assigned to Friday Tutoring from 8:00 am-10:46 am by their teachers. If your student is assigned a Friday Tutoring session you will receive a print and phone notification. Your student needs to attend if they are assigned. If your child is wanting extra tutoring but is not assigned, they are welcome to set up a tutoring session with their teacher for the afternoons on Friday. Our school will soon be administering the Kansas Communities That Care Student Survey in social studies classes. This survey is taken by 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th grade students statewide. I believe this survey is a valuable tool to help us understand how students behave, think and feel about alcohol, marijuana and other drug use, bullying and school safety. The KCTC survey measures teen substance use, delinquency, and related problem behaviors in schools and communities. The survey gives us insight into the problems students face and shows what we can do to help them succeed. The information is important for planning effective prevention programs in our school and community and provides data to assist in applying for grant funding. The survey can be viewed at Please also note the following concerning the KCTC Survey: It is completely anonymous. Students will not be asked for their names on the questionnaire, nor will anyone be able to connect any individual student with his/her responses. School staff will not see any one student’s responses, but only summaries of results. Participation is entirely voluntary. Your child may decline to participate in the survey, or may simply skip any particular question they do not wish to answer. Annual participation is important. Even if your child has participated in previous surveys, annual data is extremely helpful in determining the effectiveness of previous efforts and changes in program areas. Thanks and Have a Great Weekend!
about 4 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
Students in Mrs. Rodriguez’s classes have been working on their School Service projects to promote positivity here at HMS8. Students designed signage, calculated costs, and actually made and installed their own signs throughout the school. Proud of these kids for their hard work.
about 4 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
Congratulations to Kaleb Cape, Logan Most, and Hollyn Neufeldt on being selected as Student of the Week by their teachers. We are proud of you!
about 4 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
The Weekly Bulletin for the week of January 18th can be found at the following link Thank you all for a very unique and successful round of virtual, spring conferences. As we start the second half of Trimester Two next week, I want to make you aware of a couple of new opportunities we are offering to help students with their grades in this very unusual year. First, we are happy to announce that our 4th hour Intervention/Enrichment blocks are now restructured to allow any students who are struggling the opportunity to seek out and receive specific guidance from their teachers. Students who have all their work completed and do not need additional help at this time can explore a number of project-based learning opportunities as well. Second, beginning this Friday, January 22, students who are currently failing multiple classes and are in need of a higher-level of assistance will be assigned to Friday Tutoring from 8:00am-11:00am. If your student is assigned a Friday Tutoring session you will receive a print and phone notification. Your student needs to attend if they are assigned. Additionally, any students wishing to receive extra help on Fridays but were NOT assigned may do so by contacting their individual teachers to coordinate a time slot for Friday afternoons between 12:00 pm and 3:15 pm. We are excited to offer these new opportunities and very hopeful they will be beneficial to our students. As a reminder, Monday January 18th is Martin Luther King Jr. Day and there is No School. We look forward to seeing Group B (M-Z) students back in the building on Tuesday January 19th. Have a great weekend!
about 4 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8
Hutchinson Public Schools will be closed on Monday, January 18, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. District schools will be closed. The district’s Administration Center will be open on Monday. Students also will be out of school on Friday (Jan. 15). #308pride
about 4 years ago, Ray Hemman
District logo
Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, January 14th. Unfortunately, because face-to-face conferences do not allow for social distancing, we will not have traditional conferences. Teachers will be contacting parents of specific students for private, scheduled meetings by zoom or telephone only. If you are not contacted for a scheduled virtual conference but would like to have one, please email the teacher. If you just want to touch base with your child's teacher and/or ask a question, simply send that question in an email or give us a call. All of our teachers' school contact information can be found on our website by clicking the following link We apologize for not being able to meet with parents face-to-face this year and strongly encourage you to contact us anytime if you have any questions or concerns about your student's progress. There is no school for students on Thursday January 14th, Friday January 15th and Monday January 18th. Enjoy your long weekend and we look forward to visiting with you about your student at conferences.
about 4 years ago, Hutchinson Middle School 8