Classes will resume for Head Start at the Shirley J. Hutcherson building tomorrow, December 17, 2021. Classes will remain in session for all buildings as normal. #SalthawkStrong

Due to a power outage, classes are canceled for Head Start at the Shirley J. Hutcherson building. All other buildings will remain open and in session. #SalthawkStrong

Get all your Salthawk fans the best holiday gifts ever at Sammy's Shack! 🙌🏽🎄 Visit the Sammy's Shack Open House on December 18 from 9AM to 1 PM! #SalthawkStrong

As a reminder, there is no school for PreK-12 tomorrow, December 10, 2021, for staff professional development. Enjoy the long weekend, Salthawks! 🙌🏽🎓 #SalthawkStrong

Happy Friday, Salthawks! So many amazing things have been happening around USD 308, so check out the latest segment of Minute with Mike to get a recap of this week's activities! https://youtu.be/tydi4j5mYg4

As a reminder, there is no school for PreK - 6th grade on Monday, November 1, 2021 for teacher
planning. #SalthawkStrong

As a reminder, there is no school for PreK - 6th grade on Monday, November 1, 2021 for teacher
planning. #SalthawkStrong

As a reminder, there is no school for PreK - 6th grade on Monday, November 1, 2021 for teacher
planning. #SalthawkStrong

It's been a big week, Salthawks! 🤩 Check out the newest segment of Minute with Mike to recap all the action! #SalthawkStrong

Due to the current withdrawal of the Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, the vaccination clinics in district schools over the next two weeks will not include shots for adults.
Regular school vaccines will continue at the clinics, however. The district has spring shot clinics set up at each elementary school for sixth graders who will need updated vaccines for seventh grade. Those clinics began last week.
Anyone wanting to sign up for a COVID-19 vaccine still can do so by contacting their physician, calling the Medicine Shoppe or by signing up on the Reno County Health Department’s website at https://www.renogov.org/773/COVID-19-Vaccinations.
Remaining vaccine clinics for district sixth graders will be:
• Tuesday, April 13 at Faris from 1:30 to 4 p.m.
• Wednesday, April 14 at Lincoln from 1:30 to 4 p.m.
• Friday, April 16 at McCandless from 1:30 to 4 p.m.
• Tuesday, April 20 at Morgan from 1:30 to 4 p.m.
• Wednesday, April 21 at Ave A from 2:30 to 3:45 p.m.
• Friday, April 23, at Wiley from 1:30 to 4 p.m.

No school Friday for the spring holiday. #308pride

Hutchinson Magnet School at Allen and Faris Elementary School will have spring pictures on Friday (3-12-21). #308pride

Nominations are open for the Hutchinson USD 308 Classified Employee of the Year. Nominations will be taken until March 12.
The award is open to all classified employees in the Hutchinson Public School District who have been employed in the district a minimum of three years at the beginning of the 2020-21 school year. An individual may be nominated who works full-time or part-time in any classified position for the district.
Guidelines for nominations and a link to the nomination form are available at https://www.usd308.com/page/ceoy.

Noon Monday Update
The Hutchinson Middle School boys' basketball games at Goddard Eisenhower are off for today. The games have been canceled.
Tuesday's HHS basketball home games against Maize have been postponed until Feb. 25.
The pre-K walk-in enrollment clinic at Avenue A for Tuesday will not go on, but you still can fill out pre-enrollment information online by clicking on https://forms.gle/TYajykR3FgfitvJG9, come in person to one of our walk-in application clinics or call 620-615-4950 to schedule an appointment.
Additionally, Lincoln Elementary School's picture day for Tuesday has been postponed.

As we announced late last week, just a reminder that on Monday Hutchinson USD 308 will be in the remote learning model because of the extreme cold temperatures. Please be safe in this weather. #308pride

Hutchinson Public Schools will be closed on Monday, January 18, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
District schools will be closed. The district’s Administration Center will be open on Monday.
Students also will be out of school on Friday (Jan. 15). #308pride

Friday is a remote learning day for students. #308pride

Thursday is a Group B Day. In-person classes for students whose last names begin with M to Z. #308pride

USD 308 Meal Menus for
Breakfast: Cherry Frudel, Fruit Juice, Milk
Lunch: Holiday Menu -- Ham, Cheesy Potatoes, Chilled Mandarin Oranges, Hot Roll, Christmas Cookie, Milk

Our Board of Education extended the 2020-21 holiday break for families. School now resumes for students on Jan. 11. For the full story, go to https://www.usd308.com/article/368318. #308pride