Nutrition Services

The USD 308 Nutrition Services Department strives to provide healthy, affordable meals.

The Nutrition Services Department serves on average 4,500 lunches and 2,500 breakfasts each school day along with after-school snacks. In addition to the meals produced during the school year, the department also participates in the summer food service program which provides free meals to children under the age of 18 at sites throughout the city. The nutrition services department employs approximately 65 employees that produce and serve meals throughout 11 different locations.

The department operates under the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program. The district agrees to serve breakfasts and lunches that meet meal requirements; provide free and reduced price meals to eligible children; provide meals to all children regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, age or disability; and operate on a nonprofit basis.  The full non-discrimination statement can be accessed below.